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[LinuxKernel][Spinlock] spin_lock(): in-depth code review

AustinKim 2019. 3. 9. 08:04

Now, let me look into the spinlock implmentation in more details.

After analyzing the assembly code, R2 is key debugging signature which is the original value of spinlock owner.

Code Review: arch_spin_lock(part 1) -> If the spinlock is acquired sucessfully.

Let me assume tickets.next=0x0, tickets.owner=0x0(spinlock is not held) before _raw_spin_lock() is executed

[1]: R2: (raw_spinlock_t *)lock is loaded from R0.

[2]: +1 increament struct raw_spinlock_t.raw_lock.tickets.next of R2 and save it into R3(0x1, raw_spinlock_t.raw_lock.tickets.next+1)

[3]: Save the incremented +0x1 next element into lock value

If "strex" insruction is executed successfully, r1=0x0, otherwise, r1=0x1

[4]: if R1 is 0x0, jump to 0xc0ee8c60, else go to [1]0xc0ee8c4c.

[5]: R3(0x0) is holding struct raw_spinlock_t.raw_lock.tickets.owner from R2(original spinlock)

Please be reminded that R2 holds original struct raw_spinlock_t* lock;

[6]: R2(0x0) contains struct raw_spinlock_t.raw_lock.tickets.next from R2

[7]: Compare R2(tickets.next) and R3(tickets.owner)

[8]: In this case, tickets.next == tickets.owner(spinlock is not held before this funtion is called), jump to 0xc0ee8c80 for function termination.

0xc0ee8c30 <_raw_spin_lock>:    mov     r2, sp

0xc0ee8c34 <_raw_spin_lock+0x4>:        bic     r3, r2, #8128   ; 0x1fc0

0xc0ee8c38 <_raw_spin_lock+0x8>:        bic     r3, r3, #63     ; 0x3f

0xc0ee8c3c <_raw_spin_lock+0xc>:        ldr     r2, [r3, #4]

0xc0ee8c40 <_raw_spin_lock+0x10>:       add     r2, r2, #1

0xc0ee8c44 <_raw_spin_lock+0x14>:       str     r2, [r3, #4]

0xc0ee8c48 <_raw_spin_lock+0x18>:       pldw    [r0]

0xc0ee8c4c <_raw_spin_lock+0x1c>:       ldrex   r2, [r0]  //<<--[1]

0xc0ee8c50 <_raw_spin_lock+0x20>:       add     r3, r2, #65536  ; 0x10000  //<<--[2]

0xc0ee8c54 <_raw_spin_lock+0x24>:       strex   r1, r3, [r0] //<<--[3]

0xc0ee8c58 <_raw_spin_lock+0x28>:       teq     r1, #0 //<<--[4]

0xc0ee8c5c <_raw_spin_lock+0x2c>:       bne     0xc0ee8c4c <_raw_spin_lock+28>

0xc0ee8c60 <_raw_spin_lock+0x30>:       uxth    r3, r2  //<<--[5]

0xc0ee8c64 <_raw_spin_lock+0x34>:       ubfx    r2, r2, #16, #16  //<<--[6]

0xc0ee8c68 <_raw_spin_lock+0x38>:       cmp     r2, r3  //<<--[7]

0xc0ee8c6c <_raw_spin_lock+0x3c>:       beq     0xc0ee8c80 <_raw_spin_lock+80> //<<--[8]

0xc0ee8c70 <_raw_spin_lock+0x40>:       wfe

0xc0ee8c74 <_raw_spin_lock+0x44>:       ldrh    r3, [r0]

0xc0ee8c78 <_raw_spin_lock+0x48>:       uxth    r3, r3

0xc0ee8c7c <_raw_spin_lock+0x4c>:       b       0xc0ee8c68 <_raw_spin_lock+56>

0xc0ee8c80 <_raw_spin_lock+0x50>:       dmb     ish

0xc0ee8c84 <_raw_spin_lock+0x54>:       bx      lr

Code Review: arch_spin_lock(part 2) -> If the spinlock is held by someone, so it waits for it to released.

Let me assume tickets.next=0x1, tickets.owner=0x0(the spinlock is already held) before _raw_spin_lock() is executed.

[1]: R2: (raw_spinlock_t *)lock is loaded from R0.

[2]: +1 increament struct raw_spinlock_t.raw_lock.tickets.next of R2 and save it into R3(0x2, raw_spinlock_t.raw_lock.tickets.next+1)

[3]: Save the incremented +0x1 next element into lock value(raw_spinlock_t.raw_lock.tickets.next is updated as 0x2)

If "strex" insruction is executed successfully, r1=0x0, otherwise, r1=0x1

[4]: if R1 is 0x0, jump to 0xc0ee8c60, else go to [1]0xc0ee8c4c.

[5]: R3(0x0) is holding struct raw_spinlock_t.raw_lock.tickets.owner from R2

Please be reminded that R2 holds original struct raw_spinlock_t* lock;

[6]: R2(0x1) contains struct raw_spinlock_t.raw_lock.tickets.next from R2

[7]: Compare R2(tickets.next: 0x1) and R3(tickets.owner: 0x0)

[8]: The tickets.next > tickets.owner means spinlock is already held, this code is executed.

R3 is loaded from (raw_spinlock_t *) lock which is the spinlock **instance**(which can be accessed other processes)

[9]: R3 is updated as struct raw_spinlock_t.raw_lock.tickets.owner. And then jump to [7] 0xc0ee8c68.

0xc0ee8c30 <_raw_spin_lock>:    mov     r2, sp

0xc0ee8c34 <_raw_spin_lock+0x4>:        bic     r3, r2, #8128   ; 0x1fc0

0xc0ee8c38 <_raw_spin_lock+0x8>:        bic     r3, r3, #63     ; 0x3f

0xc0ee8c3c <_raw_spin_lock+0xc>:        ldr     r2, [r3, #4]

0xc0ee8c40 <_raw_spin_lock+0x10>:       add     r2, r2, #1

0xc0ee8c44 <_raw_spin_lock+0x14>:       str     r2, [r3, #4]

0xc0ee8c48 <_raw_spin_lock+0x18>:       pldw    [r0]

0xc0ee8c4c <_raw_spin_lock+0x1c>:       ldrex   r2, [r0]  //<<--[1]

0xc0ee8c50 <_raw_spin_lock+0x20>:       add     r3, r2, #65536  ; 0x10000  //<<--[2]

0xc0ee8c54 <_raw_spin_lock+0x24>:       strex   r1, r3, [r0] //<<--[3]

0xc0ee8c58 <_raw_spin_lock+0x28>:       teq     r1, #0 //<<--[4]

0xc0ee8c5c <_raw_spin_lock+0x2c>:       bne     0xc0ee8c4c <_raw_spin_lock+28>

0xc0ee8c60 <_raw_spin_lock+0x30>:       uxth    r3, r2  //<<--[5]

0xc0ee8c64 <_raw_spin_lock+0x34>:       ubfx    r2, r2, #16, #16  //<<--[6]

0xc0ee8c68 <_raw_spin_lock+0x38>:       cmp     r2, r3  //<<--[7]

0xc0ee8c6c <_raw_spin_lock+0x3c>:       beq     0xc0ee8c80 <_raw_spin_lock+80>

0xc0ee8c70 <_raw_spin_lock+0x40>:       wfe

0xc0ee8c74 <_raw_spin_lock+0x44>:       ldrh    r3, [r0] //<<--[8]

0xc0ee8c78 <_raw_spin_lock+0x48>:       uxth    r3, r3  //<<--[9]

0xc0ee8c7c <_raw_spin_lock+0x4c>:       b       0xc0ee8c68 <_raw_spin_lock+56>

0xc0ee8c80 <_raw_spin_lock+0x50>:       dmb     ish

0xc0ee8c84 <_raw_spin_lock+0x54>:       bx      lr

Code Review: arch_spin_lock(part 2.1): if process is waiting for spinlock to be released.

Running [7]-[8]-[9] loop until struct raw_spinlock_t.raw_lock.tickets.owner is increated 0x1(which means spinlock is released)

0xc0ee8c68 <_raw_spin_lock+0x38>:       cmp     r2, r3  //<<--[7]

0xc0ee8c6c <_raw_spin_lock+0x3c>:       beq     0xc0ee8c80 <_raw_spin_lock+80>

0xc0ee8c70 <_raw_spin_lock+0x40>:       wfe

0xc0ee8c74 <_raw_spin_lock+0x44>:       ldrh    r3, [r0] //<<--[8]

0xc0ee8c78 <_raw_spin_lock+0x48>:       uxth    r3, r3  //<<--[9]

Please be reminded that R2 holds original struct raw_spinlock_t* lock.ticker.owner;

Code Review: arch_spin_lock(part 2.2): Exit this function after the spinlock is released.

After running [7]-[8]-[9] loop...

[8]: R3 is loaded from (raw_spinlock_t *) lock which is the spinlock **instance**(which can be accessed other processes)

[9]: At this point, if other process releases spinlock, R3 is updated as 0x1 (as struct raw_spinlock_t.raw_lock.tickets.owner is increamented).

[7]: Since R2 == R3(spinlock is released), exit this function.

0xc0ee8c68 <_raw_spin_lock+0x38>:       cmp     r2, r3  //<<--[7]

0xc0ee8c6c <_raw_spin_lock+0x3c>:       beq     0xc0ee8c80 <_raw_spin_lock+80>

0xc0ee8c70 <_raw_spin_lock+0x40>:       wfe

0xc0ee8c74 <_raw_spin_lock+0x44>:       ldrh    r3, [r0] //<<--[8]

0xc0ee8c78 <_raw_spin_lock+0x48>:       uxth    r3, r3  //<<--[9]

To wrap up the spinlock operation in easy way, let me picture the following scenario.

1. Scenario: next: 0x0, owner:0x0(before spinlock is called)

[1]. Increament next +1(next: 0x1)

[2]: Exit spinlock

2. Scenario: next: 0x1, owner:0x0(before spinlock is called)

[1]. Increament next +1(next: 0x2)

[2]: Original next(0x1) is saved R2

[3]: Loop until the owner of spinlock instance is updated as 0x1(by other process)

[4]: Exit spinlock(next: 0x2, owner:0x1)

3. Scenario: next: 0x45, owner:0x41(before spinlock is called): it means the spinlock is held by 4 times.

[1]. Increament next +1(next: 0x46)

[2]: Original next(0x45) is saved R2

[3]: Loop until the owner of spinlock instance is updated as 0x45(by other process)

[4]: Exit spinlock(next: 0x46, owner:0x45)