[crash-utility] How to pull and build crash-utility with ARM64 option
1. Please install utility to run crash-utility
$ sudo apt-get install texinfo git build-essential bison zlib1g-dev libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev pkg-config flex swig -y
2. Pull crash-utility source code with below command.
$ git clone https://github.com/crash-utility/crash.git
3. Build crash-utility Source code
$ cd crash
$ make target=ARM64 -j3
You may see error messages compiling crash-utility due to 'j' option.
In this case, please build crash-utility without 'j' option
$ cd crash
$ make target=ARM64
After crash-utility is sucessfully compiled, 'crash' is generated.
4. Place the vmcore and vmlinux in the same directory. And copy 'crash' to the same directory where vmcore and vmlinux are placed.
$ ls
$ crash vmcore vmlinux
$ chmod 777 crash
Please make sure that vmcore is matched to vmlinux. And then you need to use the below
command to start crash utility
5. Run crash-utility using below command
$ ./crash vmcore vmlinux